She is almost two weeks old and I am just getting around to posting pictures! Better late than never.
So, here's the skinny on how it went down.
My due date, November 8th (Ryan's birthday) rolled around and I did everything in my power to get her out. I went to the gym and did the stair climber and walked forever, jumped on the tramp, ate spicy food, rubbed my reflexology points... no baby. But, we did have a good time celebrating Ryan's birthday and playing his new Playstation Move.
I had a doctors appointment on the 15th, and I was sure that I wouldn't make it to the appointment. Serves me right for being sure about baby stuff. I made it to my appointment and he checked me and I was still a 1 with little effacement. Not news I wanted to hear being a week over my due date. He set it up for me to be induced that Wednesday morning. I really didn't want to be induced though... I don't like pitocin. So, I went home a little defeated, but at least having an end in sight.
The next morning, the 16th, there was a sale at Macy's I really wanted to go to. I woke up around 6 am with a couple contractions, but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary. At 8 I met my sisters at Macy's (Ryan is awesome and watched the kids for me) and proceeded to do my shopping. I was having contractions pretty regularly, and wondered if I could possibly be in labor. I doubted it though because it really didn't seem like she'd ever come out. Pretty soon I couldn't walk through my contractions anymore. I'd have to stop and wait for them to end. After I had a total hormone surge and started sweating profusely while talking to a salesman about suits, my sisters convinced me it was the real thing. So, about 11-11:30, I called Ryan and told him and headed home. I got home, we ate lunch, and played with Cash and Marley for a little bit and put them to bed. Then I really had to start working through some contractions. Ryan already had everything ready to go in the car, we were just waiting for the right time. I didn't think anytime was the right time to go to the hospital because I didn't want to get there and them tell me I was at a 2. So, we waited until 3 and Ryan was inspired and wouldn't let me wait any longer. We headed to the hospital, got checked in, and I was between a 4-5. But, within 20 minutes, I was between an 8-9. Thanks to Ryan, my mom, and my doctor, everything went VERY well and very quickly, and Halle was born at 4:30, 8 lbs, 4 oz, 21"long.
She is a very sweet baby and I feel so blessed to have her here! Cash and Marley do so well with her and LOVE holding her and giving her kisses. Ryan is amazing and gets up with the other kids so I can sleep with Halle so I don't feel like a complete zombie. Truely a miracle.