Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's a Miracle!

Basically six weeks hit last week and Marley immediately started to get better. She still screams at night before she goes to sleep, but she is actually a cute happy baby during the day! I can't tell you how much it's changed how I look at her! In fact, she smiles a lot now and it's just beautiful! We still love and cherish the Gripe Water and Colic tablets though... they do help. I'm hoping that she gets over her screaming every time she gets in the car seat soon. Then we can venture out to the public! She really hates that thing. We are going on a trip next week to McCall, and I'm pretty excited to go somewhere... We'll see how it goes. We had my dad and the missionaries over for dinner the other night -- Cash was so curious who they were, it was great. Here's a few more pictures for your enjoyment!


After! (Thanks for the cute outfit Facer's!)

Cash loves his new running shoes. :)

Proud Dad!

Cash & Grandpa Belnap "looking" for Ryan.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Okay, I never truly understood Colic until Marley came along. She really is a colic baby. She cries or fusses about 90% of the time she's awake. Let me tell you, we CHERISH those few moments when she isn't screaming. All this fussing also makes it hard for her to sleep during the day. We are definitely tired, however, very happy and blessed. Marley is six weeks old today, and I couldn't be more excited -- supposedly colic is supposed to start getting better starting at six weeks. I'll let you know. Other than that, things are just wonderful. Cash keeps us thoroughly entertained... he loves his little sister and dogs and everyone around him basically. He keeps us sane through the cries. :) Sad/happy news: Eric, Andrea and Eva are moving back to CA today. I'm sad because I love having them around, but happy because that's what they're supposed to do, and they get to live 10 minutes from a beach. We are definitely going to visit them. Also, anyone that knows Lakai Lee (son of Scott and Chrissy), keep him in your prayers! I'm going to post a few pictures from our very enjoyable day at the park yesterday, the Hawks game and some others.

We'll miss those three... Good Luck!

2 1/2 and below on the Belnap side (minus Riley)

Lincoln was reunited w/ his chicken, thanks to Heather.

Little Piggies.

Yeah, I love this picture. Our pea pod
Go Hawks!
First time w/ the head phones.
She liked the game -- at first.

Learning how to run & kick at the same time!
This is how we often see Marley... it looks funny on camera!

Our monkey.

Marley Jane is under there somewhere. (It was windy)

It looks like he's in trouble, but in reality he's getting a squish face & kisses.
He's all mine.
Finally she fell asleep -- so precious.

Probably the cutest video we have of our little Cash.