Monday, July 7, 2008

Marley Jane Johnson

Okay, so here are a few details from our blessed day and a few more pictures for your enjoyment. My due date was July 2nd, and my doctor, Dr. Klomp, was going out of town the afternoon of July 1st. Just my luck! The guy takes one vacation a year, and it happens to be during my due date. So, I was very stressed about it. He wanted to induce me because he really wanted to deliver our baby girl. He's an amazing doctor. Anyway, with a lot of prayers, and working 10 hour days two days before, my contractions actually started on Sunday the 29th. Nothing to serious, just little contractions throughout the day. Ryan and I went around the house picking stuff up, getting stuff ready, and finally packed my hospital bag. I woke up a few times during the night with some pretty strong contractions, but was able to go back to sleep. Around 1:15 they started to get strong, and pretty regular so I was up. At 2:00 I woke up Ryan b/c I needed his coaching. Around 3:00 we had Loni come over to stay with Cash and then my contractions really started to get strong, and right on top of each other. I basically told Ryan I couldn't handle it anymore and we were on our way to the hospital. Just like in the movies, WE GOT PULLED OVER on our way. Seriously, are you kidding me? I was telling Ryan to just keep going but he stopped and the cop took his sweet time getting to the car. It was really early in the morning, so I'm sure he thought we were drunks. He let us go, we got to the hospital, got out, got to the doors only to find they were LOCKED and we had to get back in the car and use the ER entrance. Ryan put me in a wheelchair, we left our car running in the ER lane and unlocked. We got to triage just barely before 4:00 and after some mess there (I guess they thought I was FAKING hard labor), they finally checked me and I was at a 7-8. They freaked out, called the Dr. like I had asked them to earlier and then said "No drugs sweetie" and rushed me to labor & delivery. Good thing Ryan is the best coach ever and got me through it. By the time I was to my room I was a 9 and Dr. Klomp got there just in time for delivery. She was born at 4:37 a.m.! It went great.


Brandon & Amber said...

Wow what a night for you! But congratulations on such a beautiful baby girl! I hope you are all doing great!

Russ and Loni Lamm said...

I will never forget that night!!! You did awesome! Your my hero!

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

What a perfect labor, you are awesome. Oh I just can't get enough of her, she is so dalring. And how is it that your tummy already looks flat, you look so great! We are dying to come out and meet her, I hate gas prices!!! I hope you are all getting some rest and she's sleeping well. She totally you mars. Isn't it just so fun to have a baby girl!

Rebecca said...

you two girls look like twins! i can't wait to hold her!! welcome marley jane--we love you!

Jana said...

You are my hero for no drugs during labor. :) Congratulations! She's beautiful, and the picture of you and her is pure art.

Amy said...

Mary and Ryan,
She's beautiful! You did great Mary, and you look great already! She's absolutely gorgeous too. You have a wonderful family. I can't wait to meet Marley.

Melissa said...

Congrats Mary! She is so sweet!! You look great and hope you're feeling great too!

TheSmithLife said...

Congratulations guys! She is beautiful. I love her full head of hair. Crazy coincidence- we've been planning to name our baby Molly Jane, So great name choice :) We are glad everything went well and hope you're doing great!

Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

she is gorgeous!! and so are you, hot momma!! what a crazy night...makes for a good story! congratulations, again! i'm so happy for you!

Masons said...

Mary I cannot believe you got pulled over! That is hilarious. She is gorgeous and we WILL come see her soon!!